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Category Archives: Lunch

Spiced Soy and Stank Pork with Honey Carrots and Creamy Cheesey Potato Bake

Pastis Pork Stank is a distinctively flavoured all purpose pork or steak rub and although quite hot, when used in conjunction with apple juice or apple cider the sweetness helps create a balance with the anise flavours and the chilli backbone.…

Mexican Adobo Duck à l’Orange with Orange Carrots & Fennel, Pomegranate, and Mash

The word Adobo has several meanings, among them “to marinate, stew, pickle or cure” which illustrate an Adobo’s versatility, and an Adobo is not truly a sauce, even though in many cases it does become one.  From either a Filipino…

Enhanced Pork Curry Puffs with Coconut and Chilli Kerabu Salad

Curry puffs are a regular item in Indonesian and Malaysian cuisine but often are deep fried with the use of home made pastry. Spices should be seen not just as an element to make a meal from scratch but also…


Trading Hours

Mon: Closed
Tue-Sat: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sun: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Reluctantly a cumulative set of negative impacts since 2016 has meant My Souk’s Days are now coming to an end. We thank all of our regular customers since we stated over 8 years ago, and, as unfortunately the circumstances were outside of our control both here in decisions directly affecting the original CBD, and those further afield due to COVID and costs of living, our hands have been forced to close our business permanently on Dec 24th 2022. Financially exhausted, we will not re-open elsewhere nor trade on-line but disappear into the ether amongst a multitude of aromas. Thank you for all your support. Continue to cook and eat well with spices however you can. It has been a Top Shelf experience for us and hopefully for you too. Maybe Adieu but definitely, forever, Ras -el-Hanout!!! Dismiss